
             I haven't mentioned it before, but on 2nd March our beloved companion Roo suddenly died. Unlike poor Kanga, though, she did at least die without any suffering, lying beside us in the living room. A couple of coughs, she suddenly stood up, and then collapsed and stopped breathing immediately. I'll write a proper obituary for her soon.

             Anyway, by last summer the continuous feeling of Roo's loss was fading, and she was becoming a happy memory. We felt it was time for more cat companions. This time we decided to adopt a pair from an animal rescue centre, and contacted the splendid Animal Rescue Kansai (ARK). So now we are sharing our home with the two described below.

New feline friends

             One is female and the other male, and we thought at first we would give them the names Wendy and Peter. But Wendy was so small and light, yet so nimble and full of energy, that we had to instantly rename her Tinkerbell. Photos of her below.

             Tinkerbell is a Russian Blue, and was apparently kept by an amateur breeder in the hope of providing many profitable kittens. She is about four years old. Apparently she has never lived in a house before, but she is very affectionate, and as you can see, has soon learned how much comfort is to be found in a shawl and a pile of freshly laundered clothes.

             Peter though was a stray, and his roughly eighteen month life must have been pretty tough. Apart from meals and visits to the toilet, he spends almost all his time hidden behind our dishwasher. But gradually he is beginning to realise that from us he will get all love and no kicks. He hasn't stayed visible for long enough to have his photo taken yet - I'll post one as soon as I can!